Numerology: Today's auspicious number and lucky color
Numerology: Today's auspicious number and lucky color

In astrology, any person's auspicious number is calculated according to the person's date of birth. Which is called Radix. Radix is the sum of the digits of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on April 22, then the sum of their two digits comes to 2 + 2 = 4. This is called Radix. If someone's date of birth is two digits ie 11, then his radius will be 1 + 1 = 2. Apart from this, the total sum of the date of birth, birth month and year of birth is called Bhagyank. For example, if someone is born on 22-04-2016, the sum of all these digits is called Bhagyank. 2 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 33 = 6 ie your luck is 6.

Radix - 1
There can be annoyance on someone. Control anger. Today, one can go for a walk with friends.
Auspicious number - 11
Good color - Kesari

Radix - 2
Today can be a part of any function. It will be heartening to meet friends and relatives. If single, then the heart may like someone today.
Auspicious number - 20
Good color - White

Radix - 3
Today you may have to act contrary to desire. The mind will remain in the litany of thoughts. But you can be a little worried about the current problem.
Auspicious number - 9
Good color - Yellow

Radix - 4
Today you will be busy in yourself. The mind will ask you to rest, but you will remain in the clutches of what to do today.
Auspicious number - 44
Good color - Blue

Radix - 5
Most of the time today can be spent viewing the internet, social media or online content. Make good use of time by abandoning laziness.
Auspicious number - 22
Good color - Green

Radix - 5
Most of the time today can be spent viewing the internet, social media or online content. Make good use of time by abandoning laziness.
Auspicious number - 22
Good color - Green

Radix - 6
It is possible that today you go for a walk. Time can pass with someone close. You can have a great day.
Auspicious number - 56
Happy Color - Pink

Radix - 7
Will be confused about anything. But getting advice from friends on this issue will end the confusion. You can complete any unfinished work at home.
Auspicious number - 54
Good color - multicolor

Radix - 8
Time will be spent in any household work. A plan can be made to roam somewhere, but due to the necessary work, it will not be possible.
Auspicious number - 43
Good color - Black

Radix - 9
The householder will enjoy life. It is possible to meet friends or relatives. Can attend a party.
Auspicious number - 12
Good color - Red

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