Another great example of friendship...! This is what a friend gifted to a friend living in the hut
Another great example of friendship...! This is what a friend gifted to a friend living in the hut

All relationships are already built, just friendship is a relationship that you build yourself. In today's time, it is difficult to find true and good friends because today people like to make friends by seeing money and status. But today we are going to inform you about such a friendship. In today's inflationary era, where it is a big thing to buy a house for yourself, a friend has given a gift on Diwali to a friend living in his hut.

The two friends we are talking about are "Muthukumar" and "Nagendran." The two friends hail from Pudukottai in Tamil Nadu and have been friends since childhood. Muthukumar is 44 years old and drives a truck. Muthukumar's financial condition was fine before the lockdown imposed on the Covid infection and he used to earn about 10-15 thousand rupees every month. But after the lockdown, their earnings were only 1-2 thousand rupees. Due to such a low income, it was difficult for him to raise 6 members of his family.

Muthukumar lived in a hut whose condition had deteriorated due to the cyclone a few years ago. Now the hut was dilapidated and its roof was also useless. But Muthukumar did not have the money to get his hut repaired. One day in the month of September, Muthukumar was reminded of his old school friend Nagendran. After which Muthukumar had gone to his house to meet his friend Nagendran. After 30 years, when Muthukumar met Nagendran, Muthukumar invited Nagendran to come to his house.

When Nagendran went to his friend Muthukumar's house and saw the condition of his dilapidated hut, Nagendran felt very bad and was determined to help his friend. Nagendran immediately formed a WhatsApp group of friends from his TECL school and shared photos of Muthukumar's house so that other friends could also give some funds to fix Muthukumar's house. Along with Nagendran, other friends also helped him in this noble cause and he has collected 1 lakh 50 thousand rupees in 3 months.

With this money, Nagendran got a house ready for Muthukumar, which Nagendran has given to Muthukumar as a gift on Diwali. Muthukumar and his family were very happy to get a new house. Nagendran has given a good example of selfless and true friendship by doing good deeds for his friend. Nagendran says to everyone that even though we are not able to meet our friend every day when the friend needs us, we must help him.

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