Are you unaware of these symptoms related to breast cancer?
Are you unaware of these symptoms related to breast cancer?

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. It is very important to identify it on time and start treatment. Many people think that breast cancer means a lump in the breast, but the symptoms of breast cancer can vary from person to person. In this article, we will tell you about some lesser known symptoms of breast cancer, which every woman should know.

1. Change in skin color

If you notice any dimpling , shrinkage or thickening of the skin of your breast , this could be a sign of breast cancer. Sometimes these changes may resemble an orange peel texture. These changes indicate that the tumor may be stretching the skin, causing these abnormalities.

2. Pain in the breast or nipple without any reason

Breast or nipple pain is not usually the first sign of breast cancer. But if the pain is persistent without any reason and is not relieved even by the menstrual cycle, it can be a warning sign. If the pain is limited to one part of the breast or is different from normal pain, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

3. Nipple retraction or inversion

If the nipple suddenly retracts or inverts , it could be a sign of a potential problem. While this can happen naturally with age, if it happens suddenly and is accompanied by other changes, it could be a sign of breast cancer or another underlying problem.

4. Redness or swelling of the breast

Redness and swelling in the breast are often mistaken for an infection, but they can also be signs of breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancers in particular may not cause a lump, making it even more important to pay attention to these skin changes.

5. Abnormal discharge from the nipple

If there is discharge from the nipple, especially if it is bloody, clear or comes out without being squeezed, it can be a sign of breast cancer. Although discharge can also be caused by some benign conditions, it is important to get any unexplained discharge evaluated by a doctor. Knowing about these  early . If you notice any of these changes, contact your doctor immediately. Regular self-examinations , mammograms and understanding your general breast health are important in the early detection of breast cancer. Being aware of your health and consulting a doctor on time is extremely important for you and your family.

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