613 students test positive for Covid-19 in Maharashtra's Solapur
613 students test positive for Covid-19 in Maharashtra's Solapur

Mumbai: Coronavirus cases have once again started increasing in many parts of the country including Kerala. The increasing cases of coronavirus day by day are shocking everyone. In the meantime, there is shocking news from Solapur in Maharashtra. In just a few weeks after the school opened, 613 children have become infected with Covid-19. Yes, according to reports, cases of infection in children have been more common in rural areas. As a result, attacks have now started on the administration from all sides. Schools in Solapur were reopened due to a very low positivity rate here.

Around 5,947 schools closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic in rural areas of Maharashtra were reopened on 15th July with the Corona Virus Protection Protocol for class VIII to XII students. Education department officials say that the state government had issued a notification regarding the resumption of classes in rural areas from where new cases of Covid-19 are not coming up. There are a total of 19,997 secondary and higher secondary schools in the State where 45,07,445 students study from class VIII to XII. Out of these 19,997 schools, 5,947 schools were reopened in rural areas.

A total of 4,16,599 students also attended school on the first day. You must all know when the third wave will hit Maharashtra, but experts say there is no evidence at present whether the third wave of the epidemic will be more dangerous for children. At present, the matter has put a burden on everyone's head and people have been disturbed.

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