Did P Chidambaram grow cabbage worth crores in a pot? Congress leader is on bail
Did P Chidambaram grow cabbage worth crores in a pot? Congress leader is on bail

New Delhi: Today is the birthday of Congress veteran and former Union Minister P Chidambaram, he was born on this day in 1945. Chidambaram was also embroiled in several controversies when he was a minister in the central government. He was accused of a scam and a CBI investigation is also going on against him. Meanwhile, another claim was in the headlines, in which it was said that P Chidambaram has grown cabbage worth 7 crores in a pot on the balcony of his bungalow.  

A video of Income Tax Officer SK Srivastava i.e. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava also went viral on social media with the claim that Chidambaram is telling that Chidambaram has grown cabbage worth crores in his balcony pot. Officials are telling how P Chidambaram did an agricultural scam by growing cabbage in pots and earning crores of rupees. After this claim, the cabbage formula top started trending in P Chidambaram's pot on social media, people started making various comments. People asked, is this possible? Can crores be earned by growing cabbage in home pots?   

However, when investigated, it was found that the video was of Income Tax officer Sanjay Srivastava, who was sacked by the government in 2019. Therefore, his allegations were not taken too seriously and JD Salem, who was minister of state when Chidambaram was finance minister, has termed the allegations as baseless. However, Chidambaram is still being investigated on charges of financial irregularities in the Aircel Maxis deal and giving visas to many Chinese nationals for money to India while he was a Union minister. He has also gone to jail in this case and is currently on bail.   

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