Ayodhya clash: Shias agree to build Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, next hearing 8 Feb 2018
Ayodhya clash: Shias agree to build Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, next hearing  8 Feb 2018

SC postponed hearing till February 2018

The Supreme Court has set the Ayodhya heated discussion for further hearing on February 8, 2018.

Petitioners begged for more time in Supreme Court for a logical time to interpret, file and provide the copies of all the exhibits and appropriate documents, which were lodged before the Allahabad High Court bench at Lucknow (U.P.).

Also, advocates Kapil Sibal, Rajiv Dhawan including with other petitioner counsels wish for a larger bench of at least seven judges to hear this issue.

 On the contrary, in the views, SC takes Shia proposal 'on record' as they agree to build Ram temple.

The Supreme Court has taken our middle ground formula on Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title heated discussion on record, affirms Syed Wasim Rizvi, chairman of the Shia Central Waqf Board.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday started final hearing in the Ram Janmabhoomi- Babri Masjid title heated discussion, a day before the 25th anniversary of the destruction of medieval-era construction.

A particularly comprised Bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices Ashok Bhushan and Abdul Nazeer are hearing a total of 13 pleas lodged against the 2010 verdict of the Allahabad High Court in four civil suits.

The High Court had lined a three-way division of the disputed 2.77-acre area at Ayodhya among the different parties — the All India Sunni Waqf Board, the Nirmohi Akhara and Ram Lalla.

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