BBC Proms 2020: Grand event at Royal Albert Hall, preparation begins
BBC Proms 2020: Grand event at Royal Albert Hall, preparation begins

Washington: The BBC prom will feature a "virtual" opening and a live program to "bring the nation together". This year marks 125 years of the first prom season, but plans have been changed due to the coronavirus epidemic. In July, more than 350 musicians will be seen playing together in the Beethoven "mash-up", each of whom have contributed from home to commemorate the 250th anniversary year of the composer's birth.

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The live performance will be held at the Royal Albert Hall on the last night of the session beginning on 28 August. Organizers say the audience is not forbidden to be present at the venue during the live event, but it will depend on the government's advice at that time. Everyone, from soloists to other artists, will be booked shortly before the event when the government clarifies the rules for social distancing for that period.

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The BBC said, "in concert we would introduce some of the greatest musicians of our time with emerging talents". The last night of The Proms, to be broadcast on BBC One and BBC Two, will be "poignant" and will be designed to "bring the nation together". Its live telecasts will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3, BBC Four and iPlayer.

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