Try these beauty hacks to get rid off puffy or swelled eyes
Try these beauty hacks to get rid off puffy or swelled eyes

Consumption of alcohol and sodium can also be the biggest reason for swelling in the eyes because it leads to water gain in the body. In case of this problem, you can get rid of puffy eyes with these easy hacks

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Salt: It can also help in getting relief from puffy eyes. Add 1 tablespoon salt to 2 cups of water and heat it until lukewarm. Then apply saltwater under the eyes with a cotton cloth. Do this process continuously for 5 minutes.

Cucumber: It is packed with antioxidants that are helpful in reducing inflammation of the eyes. Cut the cucumber into small slices and apply it on the eyes. This brings coolness to the eyes and removes all tiredness.

Ice: Washing face with ice water is very beneficial. It also reduces the amount of salt and drink plenty of water to keep your system clean (at least 10-12 glasses). It will handle excess water in the body.

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Spoon: Keep the spoon in the fridge for half an hour. After this, apply cold spoon on the eyes. Doing this for some time will not only get rid of puffy eyes but also clears dark circles.

Green tea: Swelling of eyes cause generally due to heavy use of computer or mobile. To get relief from this, boil green tea in water and store it like ice. Massage around the eyes with this.

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