Because only a water can!
Because only a water can!

Water is the most essential element for every living being. We need water to continue daily. It is the basic need for survival. Human body is covered with 60 per cent of water. You need to consume water depending on the climate you live in, the body type you have and whether you have any health problem or not. As it help the body to maintain all the basic roles of human body. There are many benefits of water which human don’t know or if they know they give very less attention. It is vital that the each individual keeps itself hydrated. One can drink water or any other substitute like juice, fruits or any other beverage for that.

How does water help?

Water guards body parts-

Water protects the spinal cord and also helps the joint. It keeps the tissues moist and also helps in maintaining body temperature.

Water helps in elimination of waste-

When you intake right amount of water your body helps you to evacuate the waste of the body. Your kidneys and liver also function properly.

Water benefits in digestion-

The source of digestion is water. With the help of water there is proper digestion in the body. It helps in the breaking down of the solid materials and liquefies the liquid.

Water never makes you dehydrated-

We daily lose our body water in various actives like exercise, sweating or if we are ill. When we become in short for fluids water is the only thing which helps us.

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