Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy and Preparing for Normal Delivery
Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy and Preparing for Normal Delivery

Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and eating habits, the rate of normal delivery is decreasing. With normal delivery, the woman recovers quickly and the body faces less problems. Therefore, it is very important to keep the body ready for normal delivery. In this article, we will tell you what are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy and what kind of exercise can make your delivery easier.

benefits of exercise during pregnancy

  1. Preparing the body for normal delivery

Exercising during pregnancy can prepare the body for a normal delivery. However, it is important to consult a doctor while exercising. From the third month of pregnancy till delivery, you can do light exercises, but caution should always be exercised.

  1. Beneficial exercises

    • Squats: Squats are very beneficial for normal delivery. This makes the pelvic muscles strong and flexible, which makes delivery easier. You can take the support of the wall while doing squats. Stand straight, open your legs and try to move the hips downwards. Do this for 10 minutes daily.

    • Kegel Exercise: Kegel exercise strengthens the pelvic muscles and reduces stress during pregnancy. Sitting in a comfortable position, create pressure of urine and hold it for a few seconds. Maintain it for 3-5 seconds and repeat several times.

    • Butterfly (Titli Asana): Butterfly Asana strengthens the pelvic muscles. To do this, sit on the floor and join the toes of both feet. Do this asana for 10 minutes.

    • Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation improve mental health and reduce stress. It also provides relief from back pain and anxiety.

    • Walking: Walking for half an hour every day is beneficial in the third month of pregnancy. This strengthens the muscles and makes you feel better. However, in high-risk cases, definitely consult a doctor.

Important points

  • Consult a doctor: Always consult a doctor while exercising during pregnancy. This reduces the risk and gives you the right direction.
  • Be careful: Whenever you exercise, make sure you do it safely and take care of your physical condition.

Doing the right exercises during pregnancy increases the chances of normal delivery and prepares the body in a better way. Exercises like squats, Kegels, butterfly poses, yoga and walking will not only make your delivery easier but will also improve your overall health.

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