BSF exchanges sweets with Pakistan army at Attari-Wagah border
BSF exchanges sweets with Pakistan army at Attari-Wagah border

NEW DELHI: On the occasion of India's 70th Republic Day,  Indian and Pakistani army exchanged sweets along the Attari-Wagah border.

The Border Security Force exchanges the pleasantries with Pakistan Rangers on each other every year on major national festivals and religious festival like Republic Day, Independence Day Diwali and Eid. However, the BSF had in 2018 refused to exchange sweets and greetings with Pakistani Rangers at Attari-Wagah border on the Republic Day due to tension on International Border (IB) and Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir because of repeated ceasefire violations by Pakistani forces. 

Meanwhile, Security forces in Khunmoh had launched a cordon and search operation after they got the information about the presence of terrorists in the area.  Two terrorists on Saturday were killed in an encounter with security forces in Khunmoh area on the outskirts of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir. Security forces said the search turned into a gun battle after terrorists opened fire on security forces. 


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