the central government canceled order of corona kits from china
the central government canceled order of corona kits from china

New Delhi: The Modi government of the Center has canceled the order of Chinese kits ordered for investigation of Corona virus. There were a lot of complaints in them. In a statement, the government says that the amount fixed for this order has not been paid yet, so the country will not lose a single rupee.

The central government's response came after reports that it claimed that kits that had been sourced from China to test the virus were sold at much higher prices. This whole matter has come out of a dispute reached the Delhi High Court. In fact, the government had ordered the purchase of these kits through the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on 27 March.

This order was given to a Chinese company, Wondafo. These test kits were purchased by an importer named Matrix for Rs 245 per piece. But the distributor companies named Real Metabolics and Arc Pharmaceuticals sold them to the government for Rs 600 per piece. The matter was disturbed when the Tamil Nadu government asked for the kit from the same importer ie Matrix, but through another distributor named Shan Biotech. It reached the High Metabolics High Court.

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