Chhattisgarh: CM says "Congress supports PM Modi in every decision outside the country"
Chhattisgarh: CM says

Raipur: The Congress had strongly criticized the Central Government's decision to abolish Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. However, the party was certainly divided on this issue. But top leaders including Rahul Gandhi was against this decision of the government. Pakistan made a complaint against India in the UN, making it its weapon. The Congress was severely criticized by the BJP on this. The Congress on the backfoot, while taking a stand on the issue, condemned Pakistan. Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel has given a big statement on this.

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He said that Pakistan's nefarious attempt to do the Congress in its favour will never succeed. Baghel warned Pakistani PM Imran Khan, "Congress is with him in every step of Prime Minister Narendra Modi outside the country." In fact, the Pak PM raised the issue of curfew in the valley and said that the Indian Congress party is also angry with PM Modi's move". Let us tell you that Chief Minister Baghel was on BJP's radar with the statement on the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir and its reconstitution.

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CM Bhupesh Baghel has given a befitting reply to the Pakistan PM's statement in the US. He has written, "Every step of the Prime Minister outside the country is the step of the country. The Congress party is with him". Here he has spoken in the support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Chief Minister wrote, "What is the status of Imran Khan, who should speak in the internal affairs of our country? He should manage his country. We will agree and disagree with our Prime Minister's policies, discuss, raise questions, seek answers from him". Significantly, in the UN, the Pak PM attacked India using the statements of Congress party leaders on the Kashmir issue.

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