LAC clashes, China releases 10 Indian jawans held hostage
LAC clashes, China releases 10 Indian jawans held hostage

Leh: The process of resolving the matter for talks between India and China has intensified. In fact, after the violent clashes on Monday night at Petroling Point-14 of Galvan Valley, China had taken 10 Indian Army soldiers hostage. With the martyrdom of 20 Indian soldiers, the situation was tense due to the 10 soldiers being taken hostage.

After the talks of Major General level, 10 Indian soldiers have been released by Chinese Army on Thursday evening i.e. three days after the skirmish. Two military officers were also included in the hostage soldiers. After the release of the soldiers, no talks were proposed between the two countries on Friday, but it is being told that the talks between the two countries will resume soon. On Thursday, the Indian Army and the Foreign Ministry had said that no army personnel is missing nor taken hostage. After the violent struggle, the Major General of the two countries held a meeting for three consecutive days and there was talk on the release of the Indian soldiers held hostage. However, it is not clear yet on what condition or basis the release of the Indian soldiers.

Even after the withdrawal of 10 Indian jawans, the situation in Galvan Valley remains tense. Additional troops have been deployed from both countries near Galvan Valley and Pangong Lake. This is the same area where the armies of the two countries came face to face on May 5 and there was a conflict.

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