Clean Energy Ministerial, Mission Innovation Meetings to take place in Goa
Clean Energy Ministerial, Mission Innovation Meetings to take place in Goa

New Delhi: The Ministry of Power announced in a statement that the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM14) and 8th Mission Innovation (MI8) Meetings will take place in Goa in July of this year.

These meetings will take place from July 19 to July 22. The sessions' topic of "Advancing Clean Energy Together" is in line with the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting.

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and Mission Innovation (MI) meetings   will bring together governments, international organisations, the private sector, academia, innovators, civil society, early career researchers, and policymakers over a four-day programme featuring high-level ministerial dialogues, global initiative launches, award announcements, minister-CEO roundtables, and a wide range of side-events covering various themes of clean energy, the ministry said in  a statemnet.

The ministerial plenaries are scheduled to be held on 21 July, while the back-to-back G20 Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting will be held on 22 July.

High-level roundtables, side events, and technology showcases would enable stakeholders to speed up the deployment of clean energy by encouraging the creation of policies and programmes that advance clean energy technology and solutions globally, it added.

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a global forum that brings together energy ministers and high-level officials from various countries to promote the transition towards clean and sustainable energy systems. The CEM provides a platform for participating countries to collaborate, share knowledge, and accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies and policies.

The CEM was launched in 2010 by the United States and other participating countries with the goal of advancing clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It operates as a voluntary partnership and includes a diverse group of countries, including both developed and developing nations.

What is generally Clean Energy Ministerial?: The main objective of the Clean Energy Ministerial is to facilitate international cooperation and information exchange on clean energy topics. The member countries work together to identify best practices, develop innovative policies, and promote the adoption of clean energy technologies. They also collaborate on initiatives to address common challenges, such as improving energy efficiency, increasing renewable energy deployment, and fostering clean energy innovation.

The Clean Energy Ministerial holds annual meetings where ministers and officials gather to discuss progress, share experiences, and launch new initiatives. These meetings serve as a platform for policymakers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and showcase their efforts in promoting clean energy. The discussions at these meetings often focus on key areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric mobility, clean power systems, and grid integration.

The Clean Energy Ministerial plays a vital role in promoting global cooperation and accelerating the transition to a clean energy future. By fostering collaboration among countries, it helps drive innovation, supports the scaling up of clean energy technologies, and contributes to the global efforts in combating climate change.

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