New Delhi: Once again, there is an atmosphere of fear from the new variant of Corona. The question arising in the mind is the fourth wave of Corona going to come? Actually, now another sub-variant of Omicron XBB and XBB1 has been revealed. The outbreak of sub-variants of Omcron is increasing in the world as well as in the country. Meanwhile, The Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr Soumya Swaminathan has warned that XBB may bring a new wave in many countries of the world.
What is XBB?
XBB consists of Omicron's sub-lines BJ.1 and BA.2.75. It is called a recombinant variant. At the same time, XBB.1 is a sub-line of XBB. Corona cases have started increasing in Britain, America and Singapore. In China too, many cities are in the condition of lockdown again. This variant has also reached many states of India. So far, Maharashtra has recorded the highest number of cases.
What are the symptoms of the new variant?
The new variant of Corona can definitely cause infections on a large scale, but there is very little scope for conditions like the death of patients and increasing the number of patients in hospitals. According to experts, the new variants that are coming in front of us are able to spread more rapidly and dodge the immunity of humans. A large part of the country's population has developed immunity to the virus due to a vaccine or infection, so the infection will try to adapt itself to immunity to survive. However, this is unlikely to worsen the situation. At present, in most corona cases, people are having sore throat, cough and fever, which is also being cured in 3 days.
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