Poverty is more deadly than coronavirus, many people does not have money for food
Poverty is more deadly than coronavirus, many people does not have money for food

There is a danger of coronavirus at this time everywhere, but there is something more deadly that is killing people. We are talking about poverty. Governments of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh including many MLAs, MPs, IAS, IPS are worried for the students trapped in Kota (Rajasthan). By arranging buses in hundreds, these students have been sent to their homes, the remaining efforts are being made continuously for those who are remaining, which can be called commendable.

Health test conducted after students reaches Uttarakhand from Kota

Many of them are students who can be of influential family. There will also be children of rich, MLAs, MPs and administrative officials and due to this, special arrangements will be made for them. We also have full sympathy with these students. Many of these children are the creators of the future country, but grief is only one thing. Apart from these, there are many children who are stranded somewhere, there are many people who are away from their homes, there are many poor and laborers who are trapped in many cities, they have no place to live nor any arrange of food and nobody is coming forward to help them at this time.

Gangotri-Yamunotri Dham door will open on April 26

No big man, leader, MLA, MP is able to stop hitting of poor people by sticks and the question is arising that why these influential people are not trying as much as they tried for the students of Kota and not being as interested. So, are these poor people not being given even hundreds of kilometers on foot to go to their homes and meet family members due to only being poor or not having any relationship with older people. Corona has come to India and said that it is not as deadly as poverty is.

Changes in the date of opening of the doors of Badrinath Dham

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