Delhi became big victim of Corona, 2 more people died
Delhi became big victim of Corona, 2 more people died

New Delhi: The havoc of Corona is increasing day by day and it is becoming a disaster for people in today's time. Coronavirus has now intensified its outbreak across the country, some new cases of this virus are coming out every day. There are thousands of deaths due to corona every day. As far as the world is seen, more than 1 lakh 70 thousand deaths have taken place so far. The infection of this virus continues to grow. There is increasing panic in the hearts of people. The news of corona infection and death is coming out more in the capital of the country every day.

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Delhi government gave instructions to hospitals to make media cells: According to sources, Delhi government has instructed its hospitals to make media cells because a large number of messages are going on social media about the functioning of Delhi government hospitals.

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Delhi 78 new cases in the last 24 hours, two deaths: While it revealed that the Department of Health has reported 78 new cases of coronavirus found in Delhi in the past 24 hours and two people died. There are now a total of 2081 cases in Delhi, of which 1603 active cases, 431 people are cured and 47 people have died.

We are Muslims, our country is where ours is - Allama Iqbal

Another total number found in Gurugram was 37: Coronavirus has been confirmed in another patient in Gurugram, the number of corona victims in the district has increased to 37.

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