Know about Daniel Zhang who is going to replace Jack Ma to become chairman of Alibaba
Know about Daniel Zhang who is going to replace Jack Ma to become chairman of Alibaba

The one of the Richest persons in the world and founder of Alibaba Jack Ma has announced that he will step down from the post of Executive company. The billionaire is going to hand over the key to company Ceo Daniel Zhang. He will be promoted to the executive chairman on September 10,2019.  If you are also wondering that who is Daniel Zhang who is going to take this responsiblity and is he equally capable and talented as Jack Ma.

Alibaba co-founder and Chairman Jack Ma announces retirement on Newyork Times

46-year-old Zhang is a very quiet temperament. He is often called 'Jack Ma's Boeing 747' in Chinese media. Those who know him says that Zhang is extremely skilled in his work. He  has studied Finance from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He was senior manager at Global Auditor Price Waterhouse Coopers. Before joining Alibaba in 2007, Zhang used to work as a CFO in a Chinese gaming company. He intially joined Alibaba as CFO but later he became cheif operating officer in 2013 and currently serving as the CEO from year 2015.

No, Jack Ma is not taking retirement, will stay as Chairman of Alibaba

Zhang has shown his ability and he holds the credit to bring Alibaba out of the computer to the mobile. He boost the business of the company in every sector from cloud computing to groceries. 

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