Corona caused havoc in last 24 hours, highest number of deaths so far
Corona caused havoc in last 24 hours, highest number of deaths so far

New Delhi: The impact of global epidemic corona virus is increasing continuously in the country. According to the data released by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday morning, the number of corona virus infected in the country has crossed the figure of 29 thousand. Whereas till now 934 people have lost their lives due to this epidemic in the country.

New figures were released by the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday morning. According to which, the total number of corona virus cases in the country is 29 thousand 435. While 934 people have died so far. However, it is a matter of relief that so far 6869 people in the country have recovered from this epidemic. The number of people recovering from corona in the country is also increasing continuously. If we talk about the last 24 hours, about 1543 new cases have been registered in the country, while 62 people have lost their lives. Which came in a day is the largest figure till date.

Maharashtra has seen the most havoc of Corona virus in the country. A total of 8590 cases of corona infection have been reported so far in the state, while 369 people have lost their lives. Gujarat and Delhi have the highest number of cases after Maharashtra, where the total number of cases has crossed the 3000 mark. So far, more than 6 lakh corona virus tests have been done in the country.

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