Veteran entertainment actress Deepika Padukone was spotted at a private airport on Saturday morning. She has gone to Bengaluru for a day. Photos of Deepika from the airport are going viral on social media. Deepika's look on the Airport is being loved a lot. She wore a striped long jacket with an off-white pant-shirt. That's where the bun was made in his hair.
With this, Deepika's simple look has been loved by her fans. At the same time, they remembered Ranveer Singh when he saw Deepika's look. Ranveer Singh's airport look is very different and stunning. He is seen wearing a long coat.
Fans are remembering Ranveer by seeing Deepika in the same look. Deepika Padukone is currently gearing up for her upcoming project Pathan. She is scheduled to be seen with Shah Rukh Khan in the movie. Apart from Pathan, Deepika will be seen in The Intern remake, Mahabharata, 83, and Fighter. Tell you that Deepika Padukone's photos and videos make a splash every time on social media.
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