DU final year exams to be conducted through email and portal
DU final year exams to be conducted through email and portal

New Delhi: 2 lakh 70 thousand final year students of Delhi University (DU) are waiting for these online exams. The exam was scheduled to be held on July 10, but after some technical glitch on the portal and petition filed by some students in Delhi High Court, Delhi University postponed the examinations.

Today, the Delhi High Court ruled that the question papers should be sent to students through both portal and email, students will be given 1 hour time to upload the answer sheet. If students have any problem in the online examination, then they can inform the university through e-mail, if the problem of the students does not go away in 48 hours, then the Grevens Committee should solve the problem of the students. The Grevens Committee will be headed by Justice Pratibha Rani, a retired judge of the Delhi High Court.

Along with this, the Common Service Center will maintain internet facilities and its preparedness. In Delhi High Court, the open book exam was challenged on behalf of the students, but the High Court said that the matter regarding online exam is pending in the Supreme Court. In such a situation, the top court will decide whether Delhi University should conduct the exam online or not.

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