Tablighi Jamaati Again Misbehaves With Doctor In LNJP Hospital, Torn Nurse's PPE Kit
Tablighi Jamaati Again Misbehaves With Doctor In LNJP Hospital, Torn Nurse's PPE Kit

New Delhi: A few days ago in the Corona ward of LNJP Hospital in Delhi, the scuffle incident and misbehavior with a female nurse who was giving food to the patients of Corona of Tabligi Jamaat came to light. This is not the first case of misconduct by corona patients who have been deposited in LNJP. In various hospitals of Delhi-Ghaziabad, they are constantly misbehaving with the medical staff and the cases are not stopping. The situation is that the nurse of the LNJP hospital no longer wants to go to the Corona ward again.

For this, when the media spoke to the nurse (Asha), she told about the shameful act of the hoarders and said, 'The food was cold and I had gone to give to the patients ... So they made a ruckus about the cold food First of all, after eating, tell me that you can eat such cold food or you are feeding me? It seemed to them that they were being treated badly. Feeding so cold food and we are eating something good. But it was not like that, we used to get the food that we ate because we were staying in the hospital itself, for 14 days quarantine and I am a nurse-orderly ie I work in contractual practice. '

The nurse told that 'Just about that matter, all the people started creating uproar and wanted to hold my neck and put it in the same food. He was looking forward to a fight with me. They were all gathered, so I understood that these people want to attack. I had a car that had food. I saved myself by throwing that car ahead. A male patient pulled out of it and tore my PPE kit.

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