Differences in Heart Rate linked to Men's Mental Health!
Differences in Heart Rate linked to Men's Mental Health!

A new research finds that differences in heart rate and blood pressure in late adolescence may be associated with lifetime risk for mental disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders.

Previous studies have shown elevated resting heart rate in people with depressive disorders, anxiety, panic disorders and psychotic disorders. There was also alternations in blood pressure that have been observed in people with schizophrenia and depression.

The researchers of this new study investigated whether differences in resting heart rate and blood pressure are associated with mental disorders during the lifetime of men in Sweden.

The results that were published in JAMA psychiatry showed that male teenagers who had a resting heart rate above 82 beats per minute had a 69 percent risk of developing obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCD).

"In this large-scale longitudinal cohort study, we found men with higher resting heart rate and higher blood pressure in late adolescence to be more likely to have received a diagnosis of OCD, schizophrenia, or anxiety disorder later in life," say the authors.

"Compared with men, women have a higher heart rate but show relatively greater parasympathetic control of the heart," note the authors. "While these differences are poorly understood, they imply that associations between resting heart rate and psychiatric disorders may be different in men and women."

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