Flash Floods Paralyze Sikkim; 1000s Stranded in Lachen and Lachung, Details Inside
Flash Floods Paralyze Sikkim; 1000s Stranded in Lachen and Lachung, Details Inside

GANGTOK: In the aftermath of a devastating flash flood that wreaked havoc in Sikkim, over 3,000 people, primarily tourists, find themselves marooned in the towns of Lachen and Lachung within the Himalayan state, according to state authorities.

An official from the Mangan district reported, "We have successfully reached Chungthang, the point where the road diverges—one path leading to Lachen and the other to Lachung. Regrettably, these two towns, situated beyond Chungthang, remain inaccessible to relief and rescue teams. Approximately 3,000 people still require assistance there, with the local administration extending support."

Lachen serves as a pivotal hub for tourists journeying to Gurudongmar Lake, a high-altitude lake perched at an awe-inspiring altitude of 17,000 feet, nestled near the Indo-China border. Meanwhile, Lachung acts as a vital stopover for tourists en route to the scenic Yumthang valley.

The flash flood, triggered by a glacial lake outburst in northern Sikkim on a fateful Tuesday night, careened down the Teesta River in the wee hours of Wednesday, resulting in the tragic loss of a minimum of 82 lives, with an additional 140 individuals still unaccounted for. Mangan district, where these two towns are situated, bore the brunt of this calamity.

As per the most recent estimates from the Sikkim government, over 30,000 people have been affected, with approximately 50 villages and towns in the district alone reeling from the impact. Tragically, the district has reported at least four fatalities, while more than a dozen individuals remain missing.

An official disclosed, "While a relief and rescue squad, comprised of NDRF personnel, managed to reach Chungthang for the first time on Friday night, ITBP personnel executed a daring rescue operation on Saturday, rescuing 56 individuals via a zip-line."

To bridge the gap and restore connectivity, an impromptu bamboo bridge has been painstakingly erected by army personnel and local volunteers to link Chungthang with Pegong. Furthermore, ongoing construction work is underway for another bridge at the site.

The senior official of the state's tourist department conveyed that approximately 10 Indian tourists, stranded in Chungthang, were guided to safety by a hospitable homestay owner who led them through treacherous hilly trails to Rangrang. From there, they were promptly rescued by tourism department officials and safely transported to Gangtok, the state's capital.

"Airborne operations faced delays due to adverse weather conditions in the flood-affected regions, with Sunday witnessing rain in Mangan and Gangtok. We are hopeful that airborne operations will commence today," added an official.

Meanwhile, an inter-ministerial central team is slated to arrive in Gangtok on Monday to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the extent of damage. Subsequently, they will engage in discussions with the state's top officials.

Sikkim Floods Update: So far 27 Lives Lost, 142 Still Unaccounted For, Read More

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