Gandhi Jayanti to be declared as 'National Meat Free Day', PETA wrote letter to PM Modi
Gandhi Jayanti to be declared as 'National Meat Free Day', PETA wrote letter to PM Modi

New Delhi: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals India (PETA) has requested PM Narendra Modi to declare October 2 as the 'National Meet Free Day' to honor Mahatma Gandhi's "dedication to non-violence". In a letter to PM Modi himself who is a vegetarian, PETA said that being a vegetarian was a matter of moral principle for Gandhi.

PETA wrote that motivating the people of our country to follow Gandhi's moral example will prevent caged sensitive animals, separating them from their children and killing them for their body parts. in a letter to PM Modi, PETA India CEO Manilal Waliate said that introducing a tradition promoting vegetarian food is a way to pay tribute to Gandhi's tireless influence.

PETA further said that not eating meat also reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. In his letter, PETA said, it helps fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Also leaving meat will help prevent future summers.

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