German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to visit India, will talk on many issues
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is  to visit India, will talk on many issues

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel may soon visit India. She will visit India from October 31 to November 2. When asked about Germany's ambassador to India, Walter J. Linder, he said that she is going to visit India soon. The ambassador told that she will visit India along with 12 ministers. All the ministers accompanying him will be representing almost all the ministries of Germany. He told that during the visit of Chancellor to India, there will be talks on many issues between the two nations. Which will include issues ranging from artificial intelligence to farming. The ambassador said that apart from this, there are many issues, which are being speculated to be negotiated between the two nations.

According to the media report, Ambassador Walter was asked if during the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to India, the issue of Kashmir will be raised by Germany to the Indian Prime Minister. On this, the ambassador said that there are good relations between the two leaders and you can believe that they can talk on any issue.

Apart from this, Radut Walter said that the European Union MPs going to Jammu and Kashmir said that I read about this tour in the newspaper. I have also read statements from the EU side stating that this is a completely private visit. I will leave it to them. At the same time, sources said that about 20 agreements between India and Germany are expected to be signed during the upcoming visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to India.

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