Keep these things in mind while planting, positive energy will remain in the house
Keep these things in mind while planting, positive energy will remain in the house

Such things have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra, which are followed by keeping peace in the house and eliminating the negative energy present in the house. Apart from following the rules laid down in Vastu Shastra, life is filled with happiness and the family environment is always filled with happiness. Apart from this, the garden or courtyard of the house is said to be very important in Vastu Shastra. The plants in the same courtyard have a positive and negative impact on the home environment. That is why while planting saplings in the garden, you must follow the rules of Vastu Shastra associated with the garden and give only those plants in your courtyard. Which are considered positive and which have good effect on the house due to being in the courtyard.

Vastu Shastra rules related to garden-

Do not plant very tall plants

According to Vastu Shastra, plant only those plants whose length is 2-3 feet in the courtyard or garden of the house. Also avoid planting plants of higher height than this in the house. Actually, planting tall trees or trees in the courtyard hinders the sunlight from reaching the house. Along with the tall trees in the courtyard of the house, there is darkness in the courtyard. Therefore, it is not considered right to plant very big plants in the courtyard. On the other hand, if you still want to plant a big plant or tree, then avoid planting it in the middle of the garden and plant the big tree on the very edge of the courtyard.

Do not plant thorns and trees

Do not plant thorns and trees in the courtyard of the house. Planting thorns and trees increases negative energy in the house, so always plant the same flowers, trees or plants in the courtyard which do not have thorns. Also, avoid planting trees or plants from the white milk in the garden. Because these types of plants are not considered auspicious.

Only apply fragrant flowers

Only plant fragrant flowering plants in your courtyard or garden. Applying fragrant flowers in the garden creates an atmosphere of peace in the house. Apart from this, planting rose, marigold, sunflower in the courtyard of the house gives auspicious results. Planting poisonous and wild flowers in the garden is considered prohibited in Vastu Shastra. It is very inauspicious to have these types of flowers around.

Play space

Many people also make a place to play in the garden. So that in the evening children can have fun in the garden. If you also want to make a place for children to play in the garden, then make it in the north-eastern direction only. This direction is filled with positive energy and it has also been considered as the direction of God. If children play in this direction, then their mental development takes place.

Decorate the garden in this way

The garden is decorated with stones or statues. According to Vastu Shastra, south or west direction is good for decorating the garden and this place should have stones or statues. Placing stones or statues in the middle of the garden hinders success. So keep these things only in the south or west direction of the garden.

Garden should be in this direction only

Vastu Shastra has also been told about which direction the garden should be in the house. According to Vastu Shastra, the garden should be in the north or east direction of the house. This direction is good for the garden. Actually it is believed that due to having a garden in this direction, plants grow well and live for a long time. Because in this direction as much sunlight reaches as there is definitely for plants.

 Plant a basil plant
If your home garden is next to the house. So you must plant a Tulsi plant in the middle of the garden. By planting the same Tulsi plant, negative energy cannot enter the house. On the other hand, people whose garden is behind the house, do not plant a basil plant. Because the basil plant should always be planted near the main door.

money plant
Money plant is considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra and many people definitely plant this plant in their garden. At present, according to the rules of Vastu Shastra, this plant should not be planted in the garden. The same because this plant is associated with money and it is auspicious to keep it indoors or on the roof. Many people put the money plant in the garden and allow it to spread on the ground, which is not considered right in Vastu Shastra. Therefore, instead of keeping this plant in the garden, keep it indoors.

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