Know how political journey of former President Giani Zail Singh started
Know how political journey of former President Giani Zail Singh started

All kinds of things about the seventh president of the country, Giani Zail Singh, are recorded in the history of Indian democracy. If someone calls him the most helpless president, then someone discusses his strong personality with the decisions taken. Today is the birthday of former President of the country, Giani Zail Singh. He was born on 5 May 1916 in Faridkot, Punjab. So let us know some special things related to the life of the seventh President of the country.

Zail Singh was born on 5 May 1916 in village Sanghawan in Faridkot state (in present-day Punjab). His father's name was Kishan Singh and mother's name was Indra Kaur. Zail Singh's schooling was not completed. He was very much inclined towards music. Apart from Urdu, he had learned Gurmukhi. It is said that at the behest of his father, he started reciting Guruvani and Shabad in the gurudwara.

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How did you get the title of Gyani: After getting music education, Zail Singh used to read Guruvani and Shabad in the gurudwara. He had a special interest in this work. Later he became a Granthi and from here he got the title of Gyani. Few people know that he loved playing harmonium. He had learned to play the harmonium when he came to the accompaniment of the gurus and aroused his interest in music.

What was the name of Zail Singh? Very few people know his real name. Zail Singh's first name was Jarnail Singh. But once he had to go to jail in protest against the British banning the saber, he said his name Zail Singh in anger here. After this, his name was changed from Jarnail to Zail Singh. Later he made his mark with this name.

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Political journey of Giani Zail Singh: Zail Singh was a person of revolutionary ideology. Initially he came in contact with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and joined Congress. He did many important things to strengthen the Congress in Punjab. He became the prominent face of the party. He became a Rajya Sabha MP in 1956. In 1969, his political proximity to Indira Gandhi grew. Giani Zail Singh was the Chief Minister of Punjab from 1972 to 1977. When Indira Gandhi came back to power in 1980, she made Giani Zail Singh the home minister of the country. He was the seventh President of the country from 1982 to 1987.

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Was he really the most forced president ?: Giani Zail Singh became the President of the country in 1982. There was the government of Indira Gandhi. It is said that Zail Singh's relations with Indira Gandhi were as good as before, and later they deteriorated. One reason for this was the politics of Andhra Pradesh. On the issue of the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh NT Rama Rao, differences between the two were clearly revealed.

Operation Blastar, which was run on the orders of Indira Gandhi in the year 1984, had further confirmed that everything is not right between the President and the Prime Minister. He remained ignorant even to the operation blaster conducted in the Golden Temple. At the time of anti-Sikh riots, Giani Zail Singh was feeling helpless and helpless. He was not informed about all these things. It is said that during the anti-Sikh riots, Giani Zail Singh made several calls to PM House, PMO and Home Ministry, but no one answered his call.

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