'Go away with your religion..,' MNS chief warns those who raise 'Pakistan Zindabad' slogans
'Go away with your religion..,' MNS chief warns those who raise 'Pakistan Zindabad' slogans

Pune: Politics has intensified after some PFI supporters raised slogans of Pakistan Zindabad in Pune, Maharashtra. Now Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray has also jumped into this matter. He has told the slogans that Hindus will not sit silently on such incidents. Raj Thackeray demanded Home Minister Amit Shah to eliminate such anti-national elements immediately in the interest of the country. He said that it would be better if such people take their religion and go to Pakistan. Raj Thackeray gave this statement on 24 September 2022 (Saturday).

On his official Twitter account, Raj Thackeray first referred to the NIA raids on PFI hardliners. He wrote that some persons belonging to the extremist PFI have raised slogans of 'Allah-Hu-Akbar' along with 'Pakistan Zindabad' in Pune. He wrote that due to the arrest of the people of PFI, they are getting funding for anti-national works. Describing these antics as a very serious issue, Raj Thackeray further wrote that the government should immediately stop such acts by taking strict steps.


Further, Raj Thackeray has written that after the arrest of anti-nationals, some people are taking to the streets raising slogans of 'Allah-hu-Akbar and Pakistan Zindabad' which will not be accepted under any circumstances within India. He wrote that if Pakistan is in the mind of those who raised slogans, then take your religion and go there. Raj Thackeray has written while addressing the central and state government that they should immediately take action against such anti-social elements, otherwise Hindu society will not tolerate it. He further wrote, "I do not need to write what will be the result of this." Raj Thackeray wrote the next line in saffron, saying, "If Marathi Hindus take this matter into their own hands, what will be the result I cannot write here." He wrote that it is the time of festivals and this can lead to unrest, so the government should take immediate action which will also be right for the country.

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