Google ChromeOS Faces High Severity Vulnerabilities, CERT-In Warns
Google ChromeOS Faces High Severity Vulnerabilities, CERT-In Warns

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a high-severity warning concerning vulnerabilities in Google ChromeOS. These vulnerabilities, identified in the LTS channel, could potentially allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. CERT-In, operating under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, serves as the national agency for responding to significant cybersecurity incidents.

According to the advisory released on July 1, the vulnerabilities affect Google ChromeOS versions prior to 120.0.6099.315 (Platform Version: 15662.112). Specifically, the issues involve Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC and Use after free in Media Session, posing risks when users visit maliciously crafted web pages.

To mitigate these risks, CERT-In strongly recommends that users update their ChromeOS devices to version 120.0.6099.315 (Platform Version: 15662.112) available in the LTS channel. This update includes critical fixes addressing the identified vulnerabilities.

Google has also urged users to promptly apply the updates to safeguard against potential exploits. The LTS-120 update in the LTS (Long Term Support) channel is designed to protect most ChromeOS devices from these security threats.

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CERT-In Issues Warning: High-Risk Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome Put Users at Risk


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