Google Doodle observes Persian New Year Nowruz with flowers
Google Doodle observes Persian New Year Nowruz with flowers

World's top search engine Google is celebrating the Persian New Year Nowruz with a floral doodle representing the theme of the festival with spring flowers namely Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, and Bee Orchids. The doodle features vibrant flowers in various hues, symbolizing the arrival of spring and new beginnings.

“As the winter ends and the northern hemisphere starts to thaw, it's time to celebrate Nowruz”, giving a sneak peek at today's doodle, Google wrote. The focus of today's Doodle is this historic celebration that ushers in spring."

In addition to providing historical and cultural context for the festival, Google's Navroz 2023 doodle included the following statement: "In many cultures, Nowruz also heralds the start of a new year, a period when people reflect on the past, make resolutions for the future, and deepen their bonds with loved ones. A few popular customs are eating on springtime produce and herbs, cleaning your home to make ready for a fresh start, and decorating eggs to celebrate new life."


Novruz or Navroz is a holiday observed throughout the Middle East, the South Caucasus, the Black Sea Basin, and Northern, Western, Central, and South Asia. It is most commonly connected to the Parsi community.

The Persian New Year officially begins on Novruz, the first day of the Persian calendar. The celebration is traditionally celebrated on March 21st or 22nd, the day of the spring equinox.

Navroz literally means new day because its etymology comes from the Persian words "Nav" for new and "Roz" for day.

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