Gujarat and Maharashtra are on alert due to cyclone Nisarg
Gujarat and Maharashtra are on alert due to cyclone Nisarg

Gandhinagar: India is also reeling from natural disasters amid Corona epidemic. The recent cyclone Amphan caused great devastation in West Bengal. Odisha was also badly affected by the storm that arose in the Bay of Bengal. India is still trying to recover from it that another cyclone has knocked off the west coast.

An alert has been issued in Maharashtra and Gujarat following the zone of pressure in the Arabian Sea. This cyclonic storm has been named 'Nisarg'. The threat of cyclonic storms on the coasts of Indian and some other Asian countries is not new. They keep coming at a regular interval.

Since 1953, a panel led by the National Hurricane Center in Miami and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the United States named storms and tropical cyclones. WMO is a United Nations agency. However, no names were given to cyclones that first erupted in the northern Indian Ocean. The process of naming the storms in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal started in 2004, about 16 years ago. A list was made for this. It has eight countries. Eight countries have to give eight names. The country whose number comes, the storm is named after the name given in the list of that country. This is how Amphan was named.

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