Health For All: Don’t be hesitant while taking COVID-19 vaccine
Health For All: Don’t be hesitant while taking COVID-19 vaccine

PC THOMAS:  It is one year elapsed since India entered coronavirus-related lockdowns, followed by the phased unlocks and easing restrictions. We have realized that our life is fundamentally altered from how it was prior to the pandemic Covid 19 and the consequent lockdowns. The past one year has been extremely difficult, but the people of India have been resilient. Although vaccination drive getting accelerated, spread of new variants poses a serious risk and uncertainties. Until the second dose of vaccines is widely administered, everyone needs to follow the public health advice and take protocols to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has cited the notorious term “Vaccine hesitancy”, commonly associated with inoculation drives, as one of the top 10 global health challenges. A World Economic Forum survey also indicated that there has been a growing reluctance among people to receive Covid-19 vaccine, despite progress made by numerous pharmaceutical companies and international organizations.

There is no denying that immunization is one of the most booming and cost-effective means to help people grow into healthy life.  However, in the midst of the ongoing vaccination drive, it seems that many people are not aware of the availability and importance of vaccination. Most people hesitate to take vaccine. Some say, “even though we take vaccination, virus attack can be possible”.  Some say that a few died after taking vaccination. Some say, even after taking both dozes, many people died. There is no end to such misconceptions.

Like billions of people around the world, I was eagerly awaiting my turn for getting a COVID vaccination. It was taking one hour break from my work that I went for vaccination a few days ago.  After getting vaccinated, I had not at all any side effect, instead I felt a good spirit, energy and enthusiasm. When I shared this positive feeling with one of my friends, he found a negative point. He said, “If you have no negative side effects after getting the jab, it means that vaccination is not effective. If a vaccine works, it will produce some minor side effects!.”

Obviously, one thing can be seen that people are looking for negative points.  During the lockdown, observing some particular situations among people, I made a statement, and I think that it is worthwhile to note here. “Negative people are more dangerous than coronavirus because corona affected people recover after a few days, but negative people never change.”

Let us realize that COVID-19 vaccination will help to protect us from getting COVID-19. We may have some side effects which are normal signs that our body is building protection. These side effects may affect some people for a short time, but they will go away in a few days. At the same time, many people have no side effects at all.

It is important to remember that just because you have been vaccinated does not mean you cannot catch this disease; it implies you are protected against severe disease.  And therefore one should not go mad after getting vaccinated and forgo all precautions. Please note that it is only after receiving the second dose, we build 100 percent immunity to the deadly disease. Or let us hope so.  Hence it is advisable, don’t hesitate to take Covid-19 vaccination, take it as early as possible.

As we continue to navigate through this pandemic, it is enormously significant that we always follow comprehensive guidelines, remain vigilant and focus on civic guidelines, continue to follow the proven public health best practices to combat the virus. Let us be confident that we will overcome this crisis latest by the end of 2021.

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