Job opening at computer operator posts, this is the last date
Job opening at computer operator posts, this is the last date

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), Delhi is seeking interested and eligible and eligible candidates for recruitment to the vacant posts of computer operator on contractual basis. Please apply for this job at the earliest. Eligible and interested candidates for the job should have last date of application, application fee, selection procedure for job, age limit for the job, details of posts where the recruitment turned out to be very important information related to job like name of posts, educational qualification for job, total number of posts Can get in detail...

This position vacant at the Central University of Gujarat, this is last date

Post Name – Computer operator

Total posts – 1

Location – New Delhi

Age limit

The age limit for this post has been kept as per norms

OMC Recruitment 2019: Apply for the post of Manager/ Deputy Manager/ Deputy General Manager, salary 2,09200 Rs.

How to apply

Interested candidates can apply to this address website and National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 before 27 June 2019 with all their documents.


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