Oil India Limited (Oil India Limited) is organizing walk-in-interview for qualified candidates for blank posts of Geologist, HSE Officer, Chemist and Leasean Officer. Candidates interviewing these posts will be organized according to their positions on August 06, 07, August 08 and August 27, 2018.
Position: Geologist (Post Graduation: 02)
Academic Qualification: Under the minimum academic qualification of candidates of these posts, candidates must have MSc / M.Tech degree and other prescribed qualifications in Chemistry from a recognized institution.
Other desirable qualifications: For these posts, the candidates have to have a minimum of 01 years work experience in the respective field.
Age limit: Candidates will be decided on the basis of rules made by the Ayasya Seema Sanstha.
Interview Date: 06 Aug 2018
Pay Scale: Rs 40,000 per month
Position: HSE Officer (Total Position: 02)
Academic Qualification: Candidates must have BE and BTech degree and other prescribed qualifications from the recognized institution under the minimum academic qualification of candidates of these posts.
Other desirable qualifications: For these posts, the candidates have to have a minimum of 01 years work experience in the respective field.
Age limit: Candidates will be decided on the basis of rules made by the Ayasya Seema Sanstha.
Interview Date: 07 Aug 2018
Pay Scale: Rs 40,000 per month
Position: Chemist (Total Position: 02)
Academic Qualification: Under the minimum academic qualification of the candidates for these posts, candidates must have MSc degree and other prescribed qualifications from a recognized institution.
Other desirable qualifications: For these posts, candidates must have minimum work experience of 03 years in the respective field.
Age limit: Candidates will be decided on the basis of rules made by the Ayasya Seema Sanstha.
Interview Date: 08 Aug 2018
Pay Scale: Rs. 50,000 per month
Position: Lieutenant Officer (Total Position: 01)
Academic Qualification: Under the minimum academic qualification of candidates of these posts, candidates must have BE / BTech degree and other prescribed qualifications from a recognized institution.
Other desirable qualifications: For these posts, candidates must have minimum work experience of 03 years in the respective field.
Age limit: Candidates will be decided on the basis of rules made by the Ayasya Seema Sanstha.
Interview Date: 27th August 2018
Pay Scale: Rs. 25,000 per month
Application Process: Download and fill out the application form shown on the candidate's website. Take the fully filled application form along with all required documents and reach the interview site on the prescribed date.
Interview site:
Geologist, HSE Officer, Chemist for the post: Conference Room, Orange Club, Pipeline Headquarters, Oil India Limited, PO-Garden Vihar Narangi, Guwahati, Assam
For Leasean Officer: Oil India Limited Upozit of Karwan Gas Agency, A-L Road, Jimavok Ejabal, Mizoram- 796017
Other details:
Location: Assam
Organization: Oil India Limited
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected from these interviews on these posts.
Education Qualification:
The prescribed educational qualification is different according to the posts, see official information for more information.
Important links:
Official website: www.oil-india.com
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