If you eat onions in summer, then read this news first.
If you eat onions in summer, then read this news first.

Summer season has started. In this season people are asked to take special care of themselves. Now the temperature is increasing continuously. In such a situation, to cool the body in this season, cold drinks are consumed, although people definitely include onions in the food. Yes, food is incomplete without it in the summer season. By the way, there are many benefits of onion and its consumption does not cause heatstroke in summer, coolness remains in the body. However, you will hardly know that if you consume it more than a limit, then there is also a harm. Now today we are going to tell you about its disadvantages.

* Yes, the element fructose present in onion is found in high quantity. In such a situation, gas related problems start happening due to this. At the same time, eating more onions causes problems in digestion.

The potassium present in onions is high and it can cause damage to the cardioliver system. This leads to complaints of burning in the chest.

Pregnant women should not consume onion because due to its consumption, they start having problems like sour belching, heartburn.

If you eat more onions, then the smell of onion comes from the mouth.

There is a fear of thinning the blood due to excessive consumption of onions. Yes, there is a lot of vitamin 'K' present in it.

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