In an awful occurrence, Indian golfer Jyoti Randhawa was on Wednesday nabbed on poaching charges by Uttar Pradesh Forest Department. As reports suggested that 22 rifles were also recovered from him. The golfer was nabbed by UP forest authorities, along with Mahesh Virajdar in Motipur Range of Katarniaghat. He is being inquired by the DFO Katarniaghat and his team.
A number of items, including skin of wild boar, binoculars and a gun which is registered in his name, have been seized from the global golfer. He is also stated to have killed a jungle fowl on Tuesday. A vehicle has also been apprehended by the forest department.
Worth mention here Randhawa has represented Indian in a number of international golf events . It is noted that he was also ranked under top 100 on many occasions between 2004 and 2009. In addition being a top golfer, Randhawa is also the ex-husband of Bollywood actress Citrangadha Singh. The pair parted their ways in 2014.