Indonesia: Doctors’ Death from coronavirus covers 458 since March 2020
Indonesia: Doctors’ Death from coronavirus covers 458 since March 2020

JAKARTA: At least 458 doctors in Indonesia have succumbed to Covid-19 from March 2020 to the first week of July 2021, a top official announced. The death rate of doctors in the last two months has increased radically, Indonesian Medical Association's Mitigation Team Leader Adib Khumaidi said in a statement. He said,  the death of doctors due to exposure to Covid-19 reached a seven-fold increase in June. In July, the total number of doctor deaths has reached 35, he noted. He also expressed concern that more medical workers were currently undergoing treatment across the country.

According to Khumaidi, the mortality rate of doctors reached a peak in January with 65 deaths. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government on Friday announced the expansion of it its emergency restrictions 15 regions outside Java and Bali from July 12 to 20.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the 15 regions were Tanjung Pinang, Singkawang, Padang Panjang, Bandar Lampung, Balikpapan, Pontianak, Manokwari, Sorong City, Batam, Bontang, Bukittinggi, Berau, Padang, Mataram and Medan. "The bed occupancy rates (BORs) in these regions are more than 60 per cent, while the number of cases increased significantly and vaccination achievements are less than 50 per cent," Hartarto said at a virtual press conference.

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