Actor Kendrick Sampson gets injured during performance
Actor Kendrick Sampson gets injured during performance

'Insure' actor Kendrick Sampson says that he has been injured during protests in California. According to foreign media reports, the 32-year-old actor is among the thousands of Americans who have taken to the streets to protest police brutality and were injured during the demonstration.

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Sampson has shared several videos on Instagram on Saturday from the protest in Los Angeles. According to the actor, he was hit by rubber bullets and a police officer beat him with sticks. In one video, Sampson revealed that he was shot four times. In another video, the actor has said that those people had already shot me four times already and I was hurt, yet I was beaten with sticks.

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In this case recently, an African-American man was killed by police brutality in the city of Minneapolis, after which the video of this incident came out. In this video, a black man is handcuffed and lies on the ground. A police officer keeps his knee on his neck for more than five minutes. Later that man dies.



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