MP Sanjay Singh angry over police action in Jamia, says this on beating students
MP Sanjay Singh angry over police action in Jamia, says this on beating students

The Aam Aadmi Party has criticized the Delhi Police and the Central Government after some video clips of police action against students in Jamia Milia Islamia in the country's capital Delhi. On the Jamia incident of 15 December, Sanjay Singh told ANI on Tuesday that lathi-charge on the students in the library shows the brutality of the police. He said that this is the law under which the police is beating the students.

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According to the media report, the BJP accused the Congress of giving a political color to the Jamia incident and said that it always supports anti-national elements. Congress has accused the government of misusing the police force. The Jamia Coordination Committee released a CCTV footage on Sunday, in which the security personnel are seen lashing out at the students in the library. After this, another video surfaced, in which the miscreants, wearing stones and masks in their hands, are seen entering the library to hide. The second video is from Delhi Police Crime Branch which has been leaked.

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Regarding this matter, BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said, "Congress is supporting anti-social elements and perpetrators of violence." He has raised his voice against the security forces and police personnel of the country. Rao asked why the students have put the mask on and what studies they are doing with a stone in their hands.

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