Jammu Kashmir: Army launches 'Go Green' initiative at Kupwara
Jammu Kashmir: Army launches 'Go Green' initiative at Kupwara

Kupwara, Jammu & Kashmir: In response to a worldwide call for environmental protection, the Indian Army launched the "Go Green" project to plant more trees and protect the environment.

The Indian Army claimed in a statement that a plantation drive was undertaken on Friday in the isolated village of Kamkari near the Line of Control (LoC) in the Machil sector.

An awareness talk was held for the villagers as part of the endeavour to familiarise them with the value of trees and the benefits of keeping the environment green.

According to the Army, more than 250 walnut and deodar saplings were planted throughout the hamlet, and many walnut and deodar saplings were presented to community youngsters.

The ceremony ended with a communal commitment to continue such actions in the future, as well as to assure the survival of the saplings distributed during the planter drive.

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