JNU Violence: Private fight among students, police sources claims
JNU Violence: Private fight among students, police sources claims

On Sunday, masked miscreants in JNU used violence and injured some students. After this incident, a large number of police forces were deployed. Police is busy investigating the case, recently Delhi Police sources have claimed that the incidents of violence at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on the evening of January 5 took place within half an hour. According to media reports, the police sources said that the fight was personal and said that all the fighting and attacks took place between 7 to 7.30 in the evening. According to police sources, ABVP students gathered near the statue of Vivekananda Ji, while students of the left gathered near the statue of Jawaharlal Nehru at 2 pm, while scattering from this place, there was a scuffle between the two groups.

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Apart from this, he told that the first PCR call to the Delhi Police came from Periyar Hostel at around 3.45 am. Police sources claimed, 'This call was promptly answered and the police personnel stationed in the Admin block got the opportunity. In Periyar Hostel some people were seen carrying sticks in their hands and they attacked some students, but they did not enter the hostel.' Police sources further claimed, 'DCP entered the campus between 5 pm and 5.15 pm. He visited the Periyar Hostel and inspected the situation. He confirmed that everything was normal and after that, he returned to the main gate. After the Periyar Hostel incident, the JNU main gate was closed and no one was allowed to move.

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The police sources sharing the information, 'Between 5.30 pm and 5.45 pm, the police again received a PCR call, stating that 700 people have entered the university. Police officers of the block were again sent there, but nothing was found. No crowd was found. After this, the person making the PCR call was called, but his phone switched off.

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