Kamala Harris Gains Ground on Donald Trump with Fifth Polling Win in 24 Hours
Kamala Harris Gains Ground on Donald Trump with Fifth Polling Win in 24 Hours

In a latest update, Kamala Harris has significantly narrowed the gap between herself and Donald Trump in the latest national polls. Since launching her presidential campaign following Joe Biden's withdrawal, Harris has made impressive strides, reducing the deficit by about half.

Recent polling data reveals that Harris is now in a close contest with Trump. According to a Wall Street Journal poll released on Friday, she is effectively tied with the former president. Additionally, a New York Times/Siena poll on Thursday reported that Harris has cut the gap by 6 to 7 percentage points, depending on the inclusion of third-party candidates.

This surge in Harris's polling numbers can be attributed to increased support from various key Democratic voter groups who had previously been disillusioned with Biden. For instance, Harris has seen a notable rise in support among Black voters, who now back her at a rate of 69%, compared to Biden’s 59% last month. Similarly, her support among Hispanic voters has grown to 57%, up from 45%, and among voters under 30, it has increased to 56%, up from 46%.

The Wall Street Journal poll also highlights a significant boost in Democratic enthusiasm. Just a month ago, only 37% of Biden voters were enthusiastic about his campaign, but now 81% of Harris supporters express strong enthusiasm.

For Donald Trump, recent months have been marked by fluctuations. Although his favorability rating has seen an increase following a failed assassination attempt on July 13, the anticipated "post-convention bounce" that typically follows a candidate’s nomination has been overshadowed by Biden's departure from the race.

The Trump campaign has acknowledged the shift, with pollster Tony Fabrizio warning in a memo that Harris will experience a "Harris Honeymoon" period in the polls. Fabrizio’s memo, which was quickly released to the press, noted that Harris's surge is expected to continue for some time before the race stabilizes.

Polling averages from RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight have been slow to reflect these changes as new polls gradually replace older ones. An unweighted average of polls conducted since Biden’s exit shows Harris trailing Trump by 1.6 percentage points. Excluding a poll from Rasmussen Reports—known for its pro-Trump leanings—this gap narrows to approximately half that.

Additional surveys from swing states also suggest Harris is performing better than Biden. Emerson College polls in key battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin show Harris polling 3 to 4 percentage points higher than Biden did in the previous Emerson surveys.

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