According to the latest news, Actor Karan Tacker has recently been diagnosed with typhoid. The very stunning and extremely talented Karan Tacker was taken to the hospital after he experienced faintness post his performance at an award function.
As quoted by the Hindustan Times, a source informed, "He had been under the weather for a few days, but he kept rehearsing and preparing for his dance performance for the awards night. But on the day of the performance, his fever shot up to 103 degrees Celsius. He didn’t want to cancel his performance as it was a live one and tried to bring down his temperature with the help of medication. But post the performance, his body just crashed. He started feeling dizzy, and therefore, late at night, he had to be taken to the emergency ward."
Karan Tacker, on being questioned regarding his health, asserted,
"The doctors did some blood tests and figured that I had typhoid and that’s why I had been so sick, and hence, the fever too. Now, I just go to the hospital for the IV drips, which will be on for the next 11 days."
The actor has returned to his house, but is on drips, as of now.
We pray for Karan's health.
Previously also, Karan shared a picture of himself with a thumbs up, from the hospital and captioned it, "Man down! But will hit back stronger..!"
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