Karnataka: minor girl's rape turns into a "Love Jihad"
Karnataka: minor girl's rape turns into a

MANDYA: In the Karnataka district of Mandya, the alleged rape and blackmail of a 13-year-old girl has evolved into a "love jihad" incident.

According to preliminary investigations, Yunus Pasha, a married 25-year-old man, was pressuring the girl to convert to Islam. The man tortured the child even after raping him in an effort to convert him to his religion. Police said he also said he would marry her if she converted to Islam.

Yunus Pasha, the accused, had covertly become acquainted with the young girl and purchased her an android phone. Later, he began conversing with her about it. He made her strip in front of the camera while they were still conversing, then recorded her in her undies.

On November 11, as the youngster was alone with her grandma, the man took advantage of their friendship and forced his way into their home.

He then compelled her to give granny sleeping medication and threatened to post her personal recordings and images on social media. Grandmother received sleeping medication from the accused, who then sexually assaulted the victim.
When the parents got home, they noticed the girl acting strangely. The young girl sobbed and described her experience when they interrogated her. They had later filed a complaint regarding this.

Further investigation into the matter is going on.

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