Pakistan gets angry with Saudi for not getting along with Kashmir
Pakistan gets angry with Saudi for not getting along with Kashmir

Islamabad: On August 5, one year has been completed for the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Against this historic step of India, Pakistan is running all the maneuvers and attempts were made to mobilize global forces but that too failed. Even Muslim countries could not unite against Pakistan and India. Recently, the Muslim Cooperation Organization (IOC) turned down repeated requests by Pakistan to organize a meeting of foreign ministers on Kashmir. Furious with this, Pakistan has turned its eyes on Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan has taken one billion dollars of money return out of three billion dollars of debt to Saudi Arabia. The funny thing is that Pakistan has asked for a loan of one billion dollars from China for repayment of this loan. Pakistan, which is on the verge of Bengali, is now going on loan to repay the loan. According to reports, Saudi Arabia has been angered by this attitude of Imran Khan's government and his financial support has also been withdrawn.

According to the information received, it has become clear from this development that Pakistan is gradually losing the support of Muslim nations. In October 2018, Saudi Arabia has announced a financial package of $ 6.2 billion for 3 years of Pak. The above three billion dollars in cash financial assistance is also going to this amount. Oil and gas were to be supplied to Pakistan in exchange for the rest of the money, but due to its mindless mindset, Pakistan is also working on hating a Muslim nation like Saudi Arabia.

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