Kochi: In a Kerala Mega Lottery, the fate of 6 people has been reversed on one ticket. The first prize of the Thiruonam Bumper Lottery has opened for Rs 12 crore, which has been won by ticket number TM 160869. Actually, 6 people had bought a ticket for this bumper lottery by adding money. 6 jewelers from Kollam bought this lottery with the money.
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By purchasing a ticket of just Rs 300, the fortunes of 6 people shone and they won a reward of Rs 12 crore. The ticket sale for lottery started from 21 July 2019. The lottery department has said that the winners will have to claim within 30 days to take the won money. However, the winner will not get the full amount of 12 crores. Out of this, about 7.5 crore rupees will come to their hands after the tax deduction. Let us know that four bumper festival draws are taken out by the state government. Bumper draws are taken out on Onam, Vishu, Christmas and Dussehra.
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Let us tell you that one such case came to light in the month of August when Indian friends won a large lottery prize in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Two friends Vilas Rikkala and Ravi Masipeddi, residents of Nizamabad district of Telangana state of India, had been buying tickets for a long time and finally, the ticket purchased on 29 July proved to be a boon for them, whose prize money was 1.5 crore dirhams i.e. Indian currency. 27 crore 86 lakh was 67 thousand rupees.
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