Why World Athletics Day is celebrated, know here
Why World Athletics Day is celebrated, know here

World Athletics Day is being celebrated today on May 7. This date is subject to adjustment, the date of World Athletics Day is decided by the IAAF, however, the month remains the same, which is May. The first World Athletics Day was celebrated in 1996. The basic objective of World Athletics Day is to take the participation of youth in athletics even further.

History of World Athletics Day: This day was started in the year 1996 by the then President of IAAF Primo Nebiolo. IAAF, which is an international governing body for the field of athletics and sports. Organizing and sponsoring World Athletics Day. Earlier, sports competitions are also held in schools and colleges on this day, but for the past few years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nothing like this has been held.

What is the purpose of World Athletics Day?:-

The objective of World Athletics Day is to promote public awareness about sports and to educate the youth about the importance of sports.

It aims to promote athletics as the primary sport in schools and institutions.

To popularize sports among the youth and establish a link between youth, sports and environmental protection.

Establish athletics as the number one participatory sport in schools all over the world.

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