Late-Night Meeting of Muslim Law Board on Uniform Civil Code
Late-Night Meeting of Muslim Law Board on Uniform Civil Code

NEW DELHI: Muslim Law Board Holds Urgent Meeting Following PM Modi's Address on Uniform Civil Code.  In response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's impassioned support for the Uniform Civil Code, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), the highest governing body for Muslims in India, swiftly convened an emergency meeting late into the night on Tuesday. Reports indicate that the AIMPLB, responsible for safeguarding Islamic personal laws, has resolved to oppose the proposed UCC, which seeks to replace individual laws pertaining to caste, creed, religion, sexual orientation, and gender. The UCC endeavors to establish a unified set of personal laws applicable to all Indian citizens.

During a virtual gathering, the AIMPLB's President, Saifullah Rehmani, alongside Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali, the Chairman of the Islamic Centre of India and a distinguished member of the AIMPLB, along with other board members, unequivocally agreed to present their firm stance to the Law Commission.

PM Narendra Modi, in his address on Tuesday, fervently advocated for the implementation of the UCC nationwide, while suggesting that the Opposition is deliberately provoking Muslims on this sensitive matter.

Speaking at a gathering of BJP workers in Bhopal on Tuesday, the Prime Minister claimed that two separate set of laws cannot work in the country. The Constitution of India talks about equal rights for all citizens in India, he said. Even the Supreme Court has called for same laws to be applicable on all Indian, the Prime Minister said..

The term "Uniform Civil Code" refers to a set of laws that govern personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption, applying uniformly to all citizens of a country, regardless of their religious or cultural backgrounds. It aims to replace the existing personal laws that are based on different religious traditions.


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